Help Chronos Walk Again!

By my side for over 11 years. 
If there is one dog that completely changed my life and that of the people around her, it’s Chronos, our basset hound dog. She has been with me since she was a baby. When I moved out of my mother’s house, she moved out with me, and was my only roommate for seven years. When I married, she moved with us. Until last week, she was working as an office dog at my company, where she is so loved. Unfortunately, she will no longer be able to join us.

What happened to Chronos?
We took our dogs on holidays last week. We enjoyed a week of walking through green meadows. But after driving back home, suddenly she couldn’t move. She couldn’t even stand on her feet without falling to the side.  A CT scan revealed a severe chronic nerve damage that could only be repaired through surgery.

Dogs that are long, like Basset Hounds, can quietly develop spine injury, because they have to carry so much weight on their backs. Chronos has always been healthy, and used to be in top physical shape, which meant she had a good chance of recovery. She was never, ever sick. On the other hand, she is already 11 years old, which meant greater risk. We decided to give her a chance and move forward with surgery. We couldn’t wait any longer, because nerve damage could get worse if we waited. Please help us pay for her surgery. Thank you for participating in this.

Please make a $99 or $49 donation so i can pay for the expenses sooner! Thank you for your kindness!